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Last Best News Review

I recently went on the Last Best News website for the first time, and, after scrolling through the political drama, finally found an article that I liked. Under the "Lay of the Land" tab, there is an article called Reading Montana. This article is about the authors quest to become a true "Montanan" and the literature that has helped him along the way while at the same time given him a healthy respect of the land and its heritage. The author describes three main books that are his favorite: The Big Sky, Chief Plenty Coups, and We Pointed Them North. Each of these books take place in the 1800's and depict a way of life that the author, as well as myself, find fascinating. He beautifully describes how each of these books paints a picture of the landscape, untouched, as it used to be, while at the same time hinting that it would not last. There is a sense of underlying sadness to all three, the respective authors knowing that their way of life was doomed. But, as Ed Kemmick states, they should be viewed as our elders, and we could learn so much from them, if only we would listen.

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